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Call Us for Family Law Services in North Bay

We understand that separation and divorce are difficult and emotional times in your life. These times require an experienced, intelligent, and empathetic counsel who can help guide you through the process and help you understand your rights. At Lucenti Orlando, we provide legal counsel and advice for clients in North Bay who need assistance in family law matters.


We strive to achieve the best possible result for you. This means focusing on negotiations or collaborative family law to help resolve disputes, using the Courts only as a last resort.

Our firm offers collaborative family law, an approach that helps to encourage parties to reach a mutually agreeable result. We can assist with:​

Separation, marriage, and cohabitation agreements – creating and finalizing agreements​

Divorce – drafting and finalizing divorce agreements

Spousal and child support issues – drafting agreements for child support and resolving issues

Equalization of assets, and sale of family property​

Pension and property division – ensuring division is done fairly and equitably

Adoption – handling all the paperwork necessary for adopting a child

Post-divorce/agreement modifications and variation – modifying divorce agreements when necessary

To request a consultation with one of our lawyers, please email us today.

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